Why are you different?

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Seeing the world in my very own perspective is somewhat scary and thrilling. For five decades of my life, I could say this world is still a better place to live by. A lot of different people and challenging, distressing events would evolve in your journey here. Why we all needed these evolvement? What makes you different?

Why needed this evolvement?

This evolvement from simple to a more complex life is such amazing work. We could not say, it’s better to stay from simplicity rather than grasping the millennial era. Staying traditional might hold change. Immemorial concept could slow down a growing individual. The environment and people interactions made a growth in oneself. This development in ones personality occurs differently but very visible. With this, we can identify a good influencers and a liability to society.

What makes you different?

Every human being has a right to live and express to be known. In this way sometimes you are judged by what is visible in you. How can you prove you are not what they see and heard from you? What makes you different?

A lot of heartbreaking situations are dominant around. Did your heart melt seeing those people living helplessly in the streets? Hearing the cries of those abandoned children? The agony of single mothers and fathers? Knowing the injustice rendered to helpless and defenseless individuals? Witnessing how those animals treated harshly and cruelly? Could you even ignore and endure how your own family and friends betray and forsake you? Do all these cause a sting in your heart and made it cry? Or brings hatred and bitterness in your heart which cause callousness? Everywhere and everything embody the real world. Would you think you’re different from others?

Note: picture of Jesus was taken from the book “Heaven is Real”

A conscious five decades of living already is such an amazing, rewarding and tough journey of my life. There are those times, I almost gave up. Upon wrestling to my dreams and His plan, I made it through by His love. Becoming different is not an instant task. It’s not even your task. He alone knows what to change in us. Soaking in His Words while in your deepest and hardest times is the start of having a gentle heart. Immersing the more in His presence when in your convenience state. A kind heart is what makes you different. A heart like Jesus can make a great difference in this world. A heart that melts with the things that could hurt His heart. Let Him fill your heart by His love after emptying. This world is still beautiful with people full of His love. Be a different person now to make a difference in this world! MRcEV

Note: All pictures used credit to Spark post application.